
Travel to China West Valley

China's western Grand Canyon - Spa tourism for the whole State Hydraulic Xiangjiaba hydropower station had to shut down, the news of so many tourists attracted to the disappointed wish. To this end, the reporter interviewed the area responsible person, learned to meet the needs of tourists, the western Grand Canyon area two will be September 25, 2007 after the relocation, re-opened for tourists.

Reporters learned that the new area to retain the traditional characteristics of the foundation, but also adds many new elements to build the western Grand Canyon "novelty of the trip", bringing new visitors of play for the senses.

Grand Canyon green mountains of western China, Gap insurance, swift rivers, tree-lined gorge on clouds, climate, picturesque. Spring water is rich in beneficial to human health, silicic acid, sulfur, lithium, bromine, selenium, radon, copper, strontium and other minerals, are high-quality hot spring heat, the water temperature up to 82 ℃, high water pressure, flow.

Scenic official also said that the new area has invested 170 million, covering 1650 acres, including a spa pool, a large wave pool. It is understood that the construction of the Grand Canyon two parks, health spa to maintain the original quality. Park hot spring water were all one can accommodate from a 3000m2 spa water spring floor, through underground pipes to seal the various hot springs pool, through natural cooling for the visitors. Open-air hot spring pool and keep adding hot water using natural wastage design, rich enough in minerals to ensure that the case, not all spring water recycling.
In addition, the area also has 124 yurts, 400 parking spaces and can accommodate 3,000 people, the national theater, shower locker rooms, hotels, restaurants and recreational facilities.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Taiwan Strait Tour Expo 2011

Correspondent 26 from Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau was informed by the China National Tourism Administration and Fujian Provincial Government jointly organized four places of the tourism industry in association with the Seventh-Strait Travel Fair will be 6 to 11 September was held in Xiamen, Fujian.
According to reports, this Strait Travel Fair to "Travel Channel win-win cooperation" as the theme, and the 15th China International Fair for Investment and Trade Liaison Office as a whole, compared with the Hall. Main activities include tourist products exhibition, tourism investment cooperation, tourism promotion exhibitors, Travel Channel "1 +1" (TSP butt and product sourcing) Fair and Kinmen, Matsu, Fujian and neighboring provinces tourist routes study activities.

By then, there will be more than 50,000 customers participate in the Fair and Travel Fair, which Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, Europe, Russia and other countries, customers will be more than 10,000 people.

Travel Fair held its sixth so far, cross-strait tourism and foreign guests of mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win principle, resource sharing, information exchange, market reciprocity, interaction mechanisms, strengths, etc. to reach a broad consensus achieved fruitful results, and further expand the "Travel Channel" brand abroad, particularly in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao's reputation and influence to achieve the common development of the intended purpose.

Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau officials said the current cross-strait tourism exchange and cooperation is moving in a positive, healthy direction forward, held in the new situation the seventh-Strait Travel Fair, will help further develop a unique tourism resources in Fujian and Taiwan location advantage, cultivating "Travel Channel" brand, and deepen exchanges and cooperation in four places, accelerate the construction of the west side of tourism, promote tourism circle ring Strait building. (For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Travel by Xiamen Aviation

Wenzhou territory by the motor car rear-end impact of the accident, 24, 13 EMU Xiamen outage, the bus station opened 16 emergency added to Ningbo, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Shanghai long-distance buses, an increase of 4 Shanghai Xiamen Airlines flight evacuated stranded passengers.

Day, Xiamen Railway Station and timely transportation organization plans to start non-normal, good passenger evacuation services; additional staff, ready to refund money in the Xiamen Railway Station, North Station Xiamen refund a total of 17 windows open for the visitors quickly go through the full refund and explanation guide services. As at 17:00 on the 24th, Xiamen Railway Station, Xiamen North Station handled 10,000 passengers a refund Zhang.

As soon as possible evacuation of stranded passengers, plus 24 emergency Xiamen Bus Station opened 16 Xiamen, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai long-distance bus. 24, the 25th increase in two overtime respectively Xiamen Airlines flights from Xiamen, Fuzhou to Shanghai. Flight details as follows: July 24, MF8593 Xiamen - Shanghai Hongqiao, 20:10 take-off; MF8595 Fuzhou - Shanghai Hongqiao, 20:15 take off. July 25, MF8505 Xiamen - Shanghai Hongqiao, 20:20 take-off; MF8589 Fuzhou - Shanghai Hongqiao, 20:10 take off.

24, 10 am, reporters learned from the major airlines, all day ticket to Shanghai flight is almost sold out, some of the flights leaving only a small amount of first class location. Reporters at the Fuzhou Changle Airport see Xiamen Airlines flights to Shanghai front row of check-in counter a long team, of which a large part is due to interruption and the choice of aircraft, motor car travel, but across the board yesterday has been restored to full-fare price.
As of press time last night, the reporter learned that managing three days Fuzhou to Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, the flight has been part of the sold out, there are only a few flights of more than votes, Nanjing and Hangzhou, as fewer flights, more flights, "tight. "For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Central Tour

The National Tourism Bureau decided to prepare a "central region tourism development plan" is to co-ordinate development of tourism in six provinces in central, integrated scientific development of tourism resources in the central region, the overall advantage to play area, to include Henan, Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, six provinces, including Anhui, the central region into a world influence tourist areas. National Tourism Administration, "Central Regional Tourism Development Plan" prepared expert line 6 in Henan Province, accompanied by leaders of tourism, on July 24-25 in Anyang conducted field visits. Expedition by the Anyang People's Government welcomed, Zhang Jianguo, Anyang City Tourism Bureau and Tourism Bureau on behalf of the city's tourism front in the forest industry attended the welcoming ceremony held at the state and to the comrades of the Anyang Group overview.

24 afternoon, the group and his party visited the Red Flag Canal and the Grand Canyon state forest area, listen to the scenic tourist investment projects and the introduction of key projects, and learn more about the area in recent years of income, the number of visitors received. Meanwhile, the Red Flag Canal and the Grand Canyon area of ​​state forest resources and tourism development project features a detailed analysis of the area's development and planning made pertinent recommendations.

25, Group sequential Tangyin escort in the city of Yue Fei Temple, Ma Manor, ancestral palace ruins and the Yuan Yin Ruins forest were investigated, the area of ​​tourism development ideas, the status of the tourism industry, related industries conducted in-depth understanding of the situation.In Anyang City, at the welcoming dinner, the leaders Anyang solicit the opinions of experts, experts on the trip to Anyang exchanged views: Anyang agreed that the tourism resources and more, high grade, and for the next step Anyang City Tourism development, the Group recommended to increase the area to publicize and promote and accelerate the pace of market-oriented operation area, do a good job of both protection and utilization, and gradually expand the area for tourism brand brand, truly Anyang create a "central famous, famous , the world-famous "cultural tourism Strong City!For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Yunnan Tour Schedule

July 22, 2011, by the Yunnan Provincial Tourism industry leading group hosted a "tourism industry in Yunnan Province" five "development planning" expert judging panel. From tourism, environmental protection, land, construction, forestry, culture, transportation, national, policy research, etc. An assessment of experts and leading expert on the "plan" be reviewed and approved.

To do a good job, "plan" preparation, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau party, the Council held a leadership Bureau office will be deployed to develop a "planning" work program, proposed a general idea of ​​the work and objectives, determine the establishment, including "second Five-Year plan ", the four special plans and six thematic studies, including the planning system and was launched in July 2010 prepared. February 2011, to compile "Yunnan tourism industry," five-second "Development Plan", and on this basis, started the "planning" preparation. After nearly six months of efforts, the Provincial Tourism Bureau has organized two expert consultation and seek the views of the Bureau will, twice sent a letter to the reform and development of the tourism industry of Yunnan leading members of the group units, the states (city) Municipal Bureau of Tourism, the province renowned experts, both within the offices, and industry associations for comments and suggestions more than 300 of the six drafts, and ultimately the formation of "planning" text.

"Planning" is the Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau in accordance with the provincial government's requirement to compile a set of strategic, macro, guidance and operational in one of the important planning. Emphasis on upholding Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific concept of development, to further implement the "State Council on Accelerating the development of tourism" as required, Yunnan Province, closely around the building "two-a fort" significant strategic, objective analysis of the "five" conditions for the development of the tourism industry of Yunnan Province and the environment, tourism development ideas, the layout of tourism development, tourism development tasks, such as tourism development policy made ​​a systematic study and proposed development goals, overall task, building layout, key projects and protection measures to accelerate the "five-second" reform of the tourism industry in Yunnan Province during the development of important guiding significance.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Xinmin Lotus Festival

July 20, reporters from the Shenyang International Exhibition Center was informed that the second Sino-foreign cooperation projects Exhibition Fair visit China,recently concluded in Beijing, Shenyang International Exhibition Centre, was awarded at the conference "Ten Best Exhibition Venue" title.

Since August 2010 formally put into use since the Shenyang International Exhibition Center has been awarded the "69th China International Medical Equipment Fair", "41st National Pharmaceutical Machinery Expo," a series of national, international, providing industry guiding role and social impact of large-scale exhibition. The organizers of the exhibition are the quality of services and to do that would be recognized and praised. This year, including the exhibition center will also undertake "national rum", "China Advertising Festival," including a number of large-scale exhibition. Correspondent July 20, Xinmin City, Liaoning Province in the tenth Lotus China city tours Flower Festival press conference that, Xinmin City, Tenth Lotus Flower Festival will be held July 29, 2011 kicked off. During the event visitors in the beautiful fairy lake "lotus tours, hot springs, quality food."

This Lotus Flower Festival will be held July 29, 2011 -31 days, with theme of "Lotus town, spa capital, the charm of People", main venue of activities in order to "take days, endless Bi lotus, lotus do not reflect on like red, "the unique scenery and unique Shenyang fairy Lake Resort. Area within the water clear, reflect on lotus, reed vast, 4,000 acres of natural lotus conjoined area ranks first in the country, known as "Lotus," and the world.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Group Tour to China Yi People Torch Festival

"Torch Festival" is the biggest Chuxiong people, the most solemn national traditional festivals, known as the "Oriental Carnival." Chuxiong Municipal China group tour Committee, Municipal People's Government to create a good "style charm Chuxiong Yi Du •" seize the Torch Festival of Yi is listed as "state-level intangible cultural heritage," the opportunity to carefully plan the development of the "2011 China Chuxiong Yi Torch Festival activities program, "is currently being prepared for the various activities.

This year's Torch Festival activities rich, colorful, divided into creative Chuxiong, marketing Chuxiong, cultural Chuxiong, passion Chuxiong, charm Chuxiong, bright Chuxiong, Ping An Chuxiong, truth Chuxiong eight blocks, female sun special theatrical performances, Yi Jihuo small group China tours ceremony, Yi bullfighting, horse racing and other activities more than 60 projects.Through the organization of national, economic, and cultural series of activities to demonstrate the Yi people's rich cultural heritage, to promote Chuxiong, promote Chuxiong, Chuxiong to promote stable and rapid economic and social development, promote exchanges and cooperation Chuxiong opening and to expand investment in purposes.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours.


Best China Tour: Chengdu Longmen Mountain

Recently, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, People's Bank of China branch of the government and signed a "comprehensive functions to support the Longmen Shan region and other eco-tourism and cultural tourism projects overall financial cooperation agreement." Under the agreement, Chengdu tours to China Longmenshan integrated tourism functional areas will receive the $ 10 billion from the Bank of China credit support. Chengdu Culture Travel Longmenshan Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. unveiled the same time.

It is understood that Longmenshan integrated functional areas of eco-tourism is the world of modern garden city of Chengdu strategy to achieve an important carrier. Chengdu Culture Travel Group in February this year, led by Chengdu Investment Holdings Group and the Longmen six functional areas (city) County Guozigongsi other directions, a joint venture in Chengdu Culture Travel Longmenshan Tourism Investment Co., Ltd., to carry out functional areas of cultural tourism Longmenshan project construction and operation China trip of the sports industry development. To promote eco-tourism Longmenshan the development of functional areas, the Bank of China Sichuan Branch of its "all products, all platforms, all-round" of the overall advantage, given the bank loan financing Longmenshan major functional areas such as cultural tourism in Chengdu Sports industrial projects for a total of 100 billion yuan in credit support.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tour: Xiamen Group Tour

2011 is the "five" in the first year, Xiamen tourism industry to seriously implement the General Secretary Hu Jintao, visited the important instruction, and actively promote the tourism industry to upgrade efforts to enhance the quality of tourism services for the tourism as the national economy strategic pillar industries and the people more satisfied with the stability of the modern service tours to China industry has taken a solid first step. In the first half, Xiamen tourism environment in general to good, steady improvement in quality of tourism services, tourism, visitor satisfaction, team up slightly improved, the average satisfaction rate of 98.5%.
The first half of this year, Xiamen quality of service were issued travel team satisfaction survey 2700 copies, 2450 copies of usable questionnaires, satisfaction surveys involving 100 travel agencies, travel team 1637, visitors 43,088 visitors. In the sample survey of 100 travel agencies, there are 68 travel agencies higher than the city average visitor satisfaction, including 48 travel agencies tourist satisfaction is 100%. The second quarter of Xiamen travel significantly improved the overall quality of service received, satisfaction with various travel agents and tourists reached 90%. Travel agency services in six reception areas, all  China trip factors affecting the value of visitor satisfaction in descending order as follows: 99.8% of tour services, travel arrangements and car arrangements of 99.5%, accommodation 99.02%, 98.41% shopping arrangements, meals arrangements of 94.7%.
In addition, according to the China Tourism Research Institute recently released the second quarter of 2011 the national tourist satisfaction survey, Xiamen visitor satisfaction ranking the 50 major cities 9th, improved over last year 2.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tour: Yiyuan Rural Tour

To travel to the concept of cooperative orchards, look at the scenery, eating rice farmers, who play a good fun ha! "July 13, from Qingdao own travel festive color Yue Lee said.
Lee said tourism co-operatives, is in the Town, Yiyuan County, Shandong Province, villagers Dipei Dong Village community and other three farmers tours to China established the "edge of rural tourism rural cooperatives." Since last year, the Town, the rapid development of eco-tourism, folklore, now the town has attracted visitors of 60,000 people, more than 120 million tourism revenue, tourism has become a pillar industry of local farmers' income.
"Even the German guests to I cooperatives to play, you think about the tourism industry can not make money?" Tourism chiefs Di Peidong pleased to co-operatives to pick from ear to ear.
Dipei Dong Village is a rich society where the "Olympic effect", "full transport fruit," "Expo effect" demonstration base of organic fruit, attracting tourists from all over the country come to visit and study throughout the year, the town party committee and government to seize this opportunity, relying on rural acres of pastoral landscape ecological tourism resources, and guide growers to China trip develop tourism, to encourage farmers to start to "eat rice farmers, farmers pick fruit and enjoy the farm scenery, experience the farm life" as the main content of rural tourism. By the government as a "farm style reception point and pick points" Di Peidong other three villagers to gain an advantage, first set up a "village edge rural tourism cooperatives", the three integrate tourism resources, built a unique joy, accordance with the "unified organization, unified distribution, unified standards and prices," the tour operator mechanism to open the gate welcome visitors. More than a year, more than 10,000 tourists visits, the three tourism revenue reached 100 million yuan.
"Only a legitimate business organization, to build brand, can continue to become bigger and stronger, and we set up rural tourism co-operatives, the purpose is to bring eco-tourism in the village made ​​the brand, sitting at home Monopoly 'selling landscape' money to," said Di Peidong .For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tour: Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve

July 8, held in Beijing Great Hall of the response to the "China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030)," the General Assembly, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve and 11 other units have been identified as country's first "green China tours to China biodiversity Conservation and development of demonstration bases."
This meeting is former vice president of China Academy of Engineering, De-Pei Liu and China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Jin Jianming, director of the Committee of Experts, a total of seven Academy jointly sent a letter to Vice Premier Li Keqiang proposed to hold. The proposal by the State Council attached great importance, Li Keqiang made ​​a handwritten instructions.
NPC Vice Chairman Sang Guowei, Vice Minister Li Chien-Jie, secretary of China Association for Science and Zhang Qin attended the meeting. Conference calls for China trip national legislation to accelerate biodiversity conservation, biodiversity conservation into socio-economic development indicators evaluation system; called entrepreneurs fully understand the conservation of biological diversity, promote eco-industrial transformation to modern industrial; appeal to the community, individuals, civil society organizations to raise public awareness on biodiversity conservation, from the side of the little things.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Small Group Tour: Laiyang Peach Tour

Recently, good news came from the National Tourism Administration, tourism and customs Laiyang wash rural village features two agricultural tourism attractions were classified as "national industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites", marking the Laiyang breaking away from the non-national tourist attractions history, it also makes clear "Laiyang" out of a trip "to tour Societe Generale," the new road.
Laiyang known for "living China group tour, water fertile soil fertility Laiyang EBARA pear" is famous, is the famous "pear town." Along the "pear culture" context, Laiyang decision-makers since 2004, started planning Rikyo style tourism projects. Subsequently, Laiyang authentic origin Zhaowangzhuangzhen been delineated area for the tourism district. They also send someone to the people, "folk songs" and root out the territory of historic sites, folklore and historical stories, and write a "lovely Rikyo" propaganda pictures. They also hire experts to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the opera scenic construction, visit attractions in the layout of the high standards of planning and design, the whole tourist area designated as "pear king," tourist area, the Tower area, interactive entertainment and leisure park in District 4 part. On this basis, the city has invested 20 million yuan, the remains of the Ming Guan Dao, cloves and other attractions compound to conduct a comprehensive renovation, the new pavilion, pavilion, opera style cafes than 30 buildings, develop rich River cruise, pome from Abstract, "Farm Fun" and other tourism projects more than 10, past the quiet town transformed into a set of pear tourism, leisure, catering for the whole tourist area.
After the completion of tourism, tourists from around the country will soon be favored. 2006 Laiyang mature season, Hunan TV, "I was champion" column group led by more than 10 Olympic champions come here, for location filming, while Shandong Photographers Association also small group China tours organized a photography expert to come close to a hundred folk songs . Last year the National Day holiday, according to Wang Zhen Lu only child in Hong Kong, two villages on the West Tao Zhang received outside of the team more than 40 approved visitors, nearly 6,000 people, embroidered purse, mirrors and other souvenirs tourists snapping into the "high demand" , alone on the income of local farmers to increase nearly 30 million.
According to statistics, the Pears style tourist town more than 30,000 annual tourists, tourism income of more than 50 million in income for farmers, while further improving the "Laiyang" visibility and reputation, "Laiyang" brand has been renewed called out. 2006 Laiyang price 2.4 yuan per kilogram from the previous year up to four yuan per kilogram for the farmers directly increase the income of 120 billion yuan.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tour: China Machine Expo

By the Liaoning Provincial Tourism Bureau, Tieling City, Tiefa Coal and hosted Tieling Tourism Bureau, Diaobingshan Government, Ministry of Railway Transport of iron Coal Group, Liaoning China hosted the Fifth International Tourism Festival in January steam locomotive 19 morning Diaobingshan Railway Station Square opened.

     Opening ceremony of the Coal Ministry of Railway Transport of iron main Renzhang Qi presided over iron Coal Group Vice President Zhang Futang tours to China welcoming remarks, Deputy Mayor Zhou Yi Tieling winning message from the Liaoning Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Wang announced the official tourism festival opening. Liaoning Provincial Tourism Bureau Director of Tourism Promotion and International Liaison Jin Jianping, Tieling Tourism Bureau Wu Min, deputy director Zhu Yingli, Zhang Europe, Diaobingshan Vice Mayor Wang League and other leaders attended the opening ceremony. Section of this travel overseas to attract a CCTV channel, Japan's Asahi Shimbun, the newspaper China Railway, China Tourism Newspaper, Liaoning Branch of Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency branch Jilin, Liaoning TV, Liaoning Daily, Liao Shen Evening News, Writers' Association of Jilin Province, "tourists "magazine," Travel "magazine, Tieling television, Tieling Daily, Tieling Evening News and many other news media attention on this event took place.

     Tourism Festival started from January 19 to January 25 ended. January 19 -21 photographic exhibition held steam locomotive, steam locomotive museum visit, Exposition, China trip locomotive repair library, train drivers, bus tour, traveling salesman and a series of club activities. January 22 -25 Day of visitors to the Liaison Unit Fu Coal Group, Shenyang steam locomotive museum, visit the steam locomotive Beipiao Bureau of Mines.

Iron steam coal area has been successfully held four international steam locomotive Tourism Festival, received from the United Kingdom, United States, France, Germany, Japan and other countries of the tourists, as the steam locomotive enthusiasts Continental universal dream has come true . Steam locomotive Tourism Festival in the creation of good economic and social benefits, but also enhance the iron Coal Group, Diaobingshan and Tieling international reputation.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

Best China Tour: Benxi Water Tour

Benxi Water Cave Scenic preliminary report by the National Natural Heritage List of qualifications, has passed the provincial expert panel.

Benxi Water Cave is a rare Chinese river high latitudes, carbonate through the level and development of land on the curved single-pipe water-filled tours to China cave and a half before water river, revealing the development zone of caves, cave development and evolution of the phase , the type of cave, cave water, culture, wealth of information, has a high scientific value and in-depth exploration. Benxi Water Cave Scenic Spot is the third category of national natural heritage, from the scientific, conservation or natural science point of view, with outstanding universal value of natural attractions. Benxi Water Cave is also the fourth and fifth class on national natural heritage constitutes a deepening of the history of the Earth on behalf of an important stage in the late Quaternary in the caves during the development of significant geological processes, already included in the Heritage List prepared standards.

Expert review that Benxi Water Cave State  China trip Natural Heritage already has declared the conditions, after the integration of related materials can be submitted to the Ministry of Construction.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Best Tour: River Runs Around Nanchang

Reporters learned 9th, Nanchang, Jiangxi, Henan branch jade comprehensive treatment is progressing well and dredging, diversion, pumping, tours to China sewage, roads, bridges, etc. are planned. At present, the jade river segments and connected as the lake water, the construction sector is stepping up the construction of artificial canals - the diversion channel.

Jade Henan branch is located south of Nanchang city, south from Honduras Machinery Factory, Luoyang Road north to a total length of 2.8 km. Last June, Nanchang started jade Henan branch renovation projects include the dredging of the main transportation of earth and mud, sewage interception pipeline laying, the new bridge, install intake gate and roll the dam, construction, China trip of ecological revetment. At present, the diversion channel and retaining walls coming to an end, is expected to be completed in mid-March this year. Jade Henan branch renovation project is completed, jade Henan branch, west branch of the river and the lake as the lake will be connected to form a "jade Ring," the beauty, the region south of Nanchang city to enhance quality, improve the living conditions of the people along.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

China Small Group Tour to Xiamen Gulangyu

"A cup of Blue Mountain coffee, muffins were again" in Gulangyu tired, sitting in was built in the last century style buildings in the courtyard, basking in the warm winter sun, enjoy the camera in his photography. This scene many years ago imagined, described, planning too.
     Yesterday, located in Fujian Road, Hoi Gulangyu new structures appear, allowing visitors to tour the construction acquaintance Gulangyu style China group tour, charm and deep, and started building Gulangyu style leisure market. Sea paradise in which the structure was a concession to Fujian Road, is foreigners club, to the Philippines in 1921 was a person doing business Huang Jinjiang bought it. Hoi structure within the five buildings, is the axis of symmetry Gulangyu only pay attention to the distribution of buildings, it is typical of Chinese and Western style, door style Gulangyu is considered the most beautiful buildings. Later, the five buildings into residential buildings. New appearance of the sea paradise is just one of the three agencies, other two still home.
     Free and open to visitors yesterday Hoi structure, its three buildings are in the middle of World Building Expo exhibition hall, coffee shop
 small group China tours left and right Nanyang South Sound, Puppet Museum of Art. In addition, three buildings, there are open-air cafes. Has completed three buildings, the reporter found that the three buildings on the allocation of resources in tourism, with its architectural style actually similar, but also reflects the cultural characteristics of Gulangyu: Chinese and Western traditions, complement each other.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Small Group China Tours: Chengdu Traffic to Jiuzhaigou Valley

From Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou, nothing more than two modes, one aircraft, fast and safe. However, high fares, lowest cost 850 yuan a person, and the plane, there are twelve hours away from the Jiuzhaigou driving distance, many people suggested chartered. The other is the small group China tours automobile, from an economic point of view, we have chosen car. Many people are talking about walking from the station or the new chadianzi South Gate Station walk. Chadianzi station cheaper, faster, but the position a little biased, from Chun Xi Road, 4-way car ride until the end. New South Gate station fares high, 141 yuan a person. Because children and I live in the vicinity of the Phoenix Chunxi Royal Garden Hotel, from the new South Gate station near a taxi just $ 8. Away chadianzi station, a taxi is $ 60, 4-way bus ride, fear not keep up. Not so much to worry about, choose a new South Gate station.

We are starting on June 22, although the tourist season, but not the weekend, not holidays, students do not leave, so we buy tickets the afternoon of June 21, buy a third vehicle bus, No. 7-8 . Season tickets in advance recommended. Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou bus, the new South Gate group tours to China Station 5-6 vehicles have 7:30,7:40,7:50,8:00,8:10 shuttle. In fact, choose a few of the shuttle is not important, because not because you chose the 7:30 shuttle, will be more than half an hour early to the 8:00 train. Will hit the road, especially during the break. Sooner or later, and bus arrival time does not matter.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


City Tours China: Hiking in Chengdu

Morning, went straight to the Temple in Chengdu. Half-day off weak legs and feet, dry mouth. Out that is Kam, Chengdu, eat, drink is a sacred place. Suddenly see a downtown restaurant in noisy, wide open, bamboo tables and chairs inside, quiet laid-back. Sit down the waiter to recommend a visit China glass or two of Trimeresurus, expensive --30 yuan a cup! Two mounted glass of tea, a thermos bottle of water give it another little girl who went to gather together to chat. Water slowly into the cup, a miracle happened: green tea, upright stud, a hint of tea Qinru nose and mouth: bamboo incense? Tea?

Kusaka? Only holding you Duanbei taste, could not praise! Two cups of tea you'll feel, leisurely, inquire around and found that there is a simple stage tea facilities in the evening for tea drinkers who enjoy the Sichuan Opera performances. Of course, this is specially prepared tea for visitors. Locals will not come here to drink tea. Old Chengdu said they each have their own tea, "stronghold." It was a lifetime in a tea tea, tea is a microcosm of life in Chengdu. This does not, there are two cups of tea you'll feel Taoer Duo, selling China city tours newspapers, shoeshine different kinds of people come to services. But not sticky, that is to wave, raise an arm. Strange to say, two bottles of water to drink to make open, brown diminished, and a slight stomach discomfort previously also in unconsciously tea moisture disappears. Trimeresurus, good tea, ah God! The next day, Du Fu Thatched Cottage straight away. Bustle of the city to have a quiet laid-back place where it is not easy, even more unusual is found in a visit just to explore the site, the experts identified research this year is the residence of Du Fu. This appears to be Barbara Park home of Lao Du it! Recited lao du "With tens, the shelter may be the world Tuas delighted," the famous walk out the door to Cottage Park high-rise buildings blowing. Chengdu people will not "break the autumn winds hut," right? For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tours: Summer Resort of Qingdao

Qingdao European ancient buildings very much, as the "International Architecture Exhibition." This focus on Russia, France, Britain, Germany, the United States, Japan, Denmark, Switzerland and more than 20 countries, architectural style, so early in the 19th century, Qingdao enjoys a "Eastern Switzerland" name. These styles of ancient buildings in particular European, "Colorado" is the most famous. European tours to China royalty and exotic plants in this introduction, cordial to their home for the royal garden. Mountain and sea, trees and sky and sea red tile intersection map is a major feature of European architecture, with each other against the background of the aesthetic advantages. Such as foreign designer Mu stay gold, white Nader, Chinese designer Wang Ping Yan's work, this is a large bright feature of tourism is the best evidence of European architectural styles.

Colorado King is the essence of the building set to rhyme in Europe, where cedar trees on both sides firmly caught in the streets, the formation of quiet, which they are lovers dating the corner, this has been a "love angle." Fish Park hillside south of European architectural design, surrounded by the sea theme, highlighting the shape of the fish pattern in the distinctive architectural style. Qingdao German China trip Government House, St. Michael's Cathedral, Ireland, Russian flower stone floor, the Danish Princess House, upstairs in the Signal Hill mushrooms, these European-style buildings can be graceful glance. Qingdao, the biggest European architecture features, no matter from which point of view, are a spectator, a seat of a European-style building is like a freezing note, converging to a beautiful blend of melody after another.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Tour: Muchuan was Listed as AAA Scenic Area

In early September, A-level scenic spot in Sichuan Province Assessment Committee Expert Group on Muchuan Bamboo 3A state record-level scenic spot area to conduct assessment and acceptance that Muchuan Bamboo has basically reached the requirements of the creation of tours to China national-level scenic spot 3A. September 27, 2010 China's first eco-cultural tourism Muchuan festival will be kicked off, to achieve the county's "eco-tourism, culture," the three major brands of effective docking. This is a brand of eco-tourism Muchuan started another masterpiece.

As a national ecological demonstration zones, National Model Green County, Sichuan's first pollution-free agricultural base in the county, Sichuan Province, the development of forestry industry and the key counties of the first provincial-level ecological county in Sichuan Province, Muchuan forest coverage rate of 69.5%, environmental index bit home province. Muchuan Bamboo, five horses floor, black Xionggu  China trip Sen Forest Park, boat dam reservoir area, Tongcheba reservoir area, quiet scenery Huangdan caves and other natural magic, "Bo People Lived", "Nansi Road", "Zhuge Liang had mishaps the first three words fortress plug "Yongji Bridge, the Millennium town distinctive cultural landscape arrow boards, Muchuan grass dragon, land boat, Niu'er lights, numbers, etc. Oh Mountain folk culture flourish, provide for the development of tourism unique conditions. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours