
Fuzhou Tourists Compliments

Yip A travel agent booked the February 7, Fuzhou Fei Hainan ticket, due to something to change, at January 26, proposed to travel, but travel agents do not agree, saying the ticket to open the package can not be returned. Yip and open the package without the knowledge of travel tickets, after repeated requests, the ultimate travel agencies agreed to refund only 30% of the cost of airline tickets. Yip complaints ask travel agents to deduct reasonable refund money.
After investigation, A travel agency is a travel agency to airline B consignment booked charter flights, but the A tour to purchase tickets to the behavior of Yip has formed a contractual relationship. A travel agency before the billing, not Miss Xiang Ye a high note this ticket is discounted charter flights, there is no express "Refund", did not say can not turn back nor signed, nor agreed to refund 70% of revenue loss. From the provisions of speaking, for a refund, without prejudice to the case of secondary sale, travel agencies, airlines and other businesses should be based on a reasonable share of costs associated with the actual situation, the high refund fee or "no refund" and they have obviously contrary to the principle of equity market transactions.
The investigation, there are three travel behavior problems: First, compulsory charge, contrary to the principle of equal consultation. Second, the refund fee is too high, contrary to the principles of fair trade, depriving consumers of fair trade; travel agencies want to force charge exorbitant cancellation fees, this practice was unfair, fair; third is the lack of humanity.

After mediation, Yip to the airline to pay 300 yuan, the airline changed the flight Yip, from the February 7 to February 11.Tourism Quality Supervision reminder: the major airlines of the refund provisions, though not identical, but are linked with the ticket discount rate, the higher the discount, the lower fee refund, refunds can not be super cheap prices, and full price tickets can be full refund. Recommended travel agents in the sale of tickets, ticket details on the receipt the nature of the refund charge, clearly stipulating the rights and obligations.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

