
Best China Tour: Muchuan was Listed as AAA Scenic Area

In early September, A-level scenic spot in Sichuan Province Assessment Committee Expert Group on Muchuan Bamboo 3A state record-level scenic spot area to conduct assessment and acceptance that Muchuan Bamboo has basically reached the requirements of the creation of tours to China national-level scenic spot 3A. September 27, 2010 China's first eco-cultural tourism Muchuan festival will be kicked off, to achieve the county's "eco-tourism, culture," the three major brands of effective docking. This is a brand of eco-tourism Muchuan started another masterpiece.

As a national ecological demonstration zones, National Model Green County, Sichuan's first pollution-free agricultural base in the county, Sichuan Province, the development of forestry industry and the key counties of the first provincial-level ecological county in Sichuan Province, Muchuan forest coverage rate of 69.5%, environmental index bit home province. Muchuan Bamboo, five horses floor, black Xionggu  China trip Sen Forest Park, boat dam reservoir area, Tongcheba reservoir area, quiet scenery Huangdan caves and other natural magic, "Bo People Lived", "Nansi Road", "Zhuge Liang had mishaps the first three words fortress plug "Yongji Bridge, the Millennium town distinctive cultural landscape arrow boards, Muchuan grass dragon, land boat, Niu'er lights, numbers, etc. Oh Mountain folk culture flourish, provide for the development of tourism unique conditions. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

