
Best China Tour: China Forum Standardization of Tourist Attractions

The first "China Forum standardization of tourist attractions" in the "fairy tale world" Jiuzhaigou scenic grand opening. The forum is organized by the China Tourism Association tourist attractions branch organized Jiuzhaigou Valley Authority contractors, participants will include the Emei Mountain, Putuo Mountain, Kanas, OCT 53 famous tourist attractions and theme parks. Forum "Tourism attractions create tours to China a standardized construction and quality" as the theme, aims to further promote the standardization of the pace of China's tourism attractions and sharing the results of standardization of experience, give full play to the international standardization of quality management in the important role of tourist attractions, rich and perfect for China tourist attractions standardization system has symbolic significance.

Opening ceremony by the National Tourism Administration Director of Regulatory Division standardization, China Tourism Association Branch Secretary-General Mr. Wang Liming tourist attractions chaired the China Tourism Association Jiangqi Kang Deputy Secretary-General, Secretary-General of Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association, Meng Gang Zhang Xiaoping and Jiuzhaigou Valley Authority Secretary, respectively, gave a warm speech. Keynote speech, Wang Liming Director to "standardize the management core competencies to promote the tourist attractions" in the title, standardization of tourism background, meaning and create a national tourism standardization pilot units and the need to pay attention to the details of the latest issues of interpretation; Chinese China trip Academy of Sciences Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Geography, Tourism Studies and Planning, Ms. Yafei Niu, deputy director of the "green standard tourist attractions," the content and preparation of key points were explained in detail; "Chinese tourist attractions," Mr. Yan Haixiong magazine executive editor Jiuzhaigou, for example, in the scenic significance of standardized management, building standards, international quality strategy in the process of building area, etc. were described.

Exchange of experience in the forum, Jiuzhaigou Valley Authority, Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town, Changzhou China Dinosaur Park were on the standardization of tourism-related new practices and new experience gained made a wonderful speech. Nearly 100 participants also inspected the Jiuzhaigou scenic area to create pilot standardization of the specific circumstances, Jiuzhaigou unique icefall, Cape landscape and the local representative of Tibetan folk customs to have left a deep impression.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Small Group Tours: Yangping to Promote Red Tour

Yanping Tourism Bureau to the 90th anniversary of its founding as an opportunity, based on Yanping rich red tourism resources, to take "three combinations" China group tour to promote fire red tourism carried out effectively promote local economic development. First, with the combination of rural tourism. Nanshan Town, "Fujian, Zhejiang Provincial underground dry practice session to expand the party site" is the famous red Yanping tourist attractions, during the Ching Ming, "71", "October" and the units have a large number of tourists to pay their last respects here and tour. At the same time the attraction is located 1,000 meters above sea level Du Ming Yeung Village, Song Ling, surrounded by large tracts of bamboo forest and virgin forest, is the development of leisure summer, a good place for rural tourism. The beginning of this year, Yanping side guide Nanshan Tourism Bureau to further enrich and perfect the town museum content, the surrounding environmental health regulation, standard guides, instructors explain the content side of the guide town, village development of two "red rice farm land" and "old area of small group China tours forest people, "so to visit, tourist attractions, tour the revolutionary era in the recall, while red and enjoy the bitter Caigeng, bamboo rice, pumpkin soup, a hundred other unique mushroom feast" red dishes ", live on the night bamboo structures of the "Red house." Unique Red Tour, led the local rural tourism development, according to statistics, since the "May Day", there have been more than 5,000 people to visit the Ming Yeung Village, tour, brought nearly one million yuan for the village's income. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Experiencing Ancient Culture in Tianjin

Morning from the city bus station take the bus bound for Hangu district, more than 1 hour to Hangu then only to the waterfront for Pakistan Kiev aircraft carrier theme park, the carrier was the flagship of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. While holding the hands of the tour route map, but tours to China still like the maze to explore the way upstairs, downstairs, a large auditorium of the parked aircraft as large warehouse, there are sailors working, living, entertainment venues, and even down to the laundry room of this place have, but we are interested in, or operational command, sending those mysterious weapons sites, half-way when we saw a rest quite charm of the Russian song and dance performances, finally on deck, looked over the vast sea and the sky, very travel with the carrier's heart feeling. To Ancient Culture Street is more to see them, walking in the pedestrian street, hundreds of old buildings the appearance of the shop is a large arts and crafts, small shop is not something we do not know so I do not really China trip sense rush to buy antiques, but Tianjin folk art, "Ruin," the colorful clay figurine Zhang, Wei Yangliuqing and kite stores or kite here is stop people, especially the small clay figurines clay figurine Zhang shape of many, the price is not expensive, we bought a lot of 10 dollars down the small clay figurines. Tin Hau Temple street Folk Museum is also built in Tianjin, but we have experience in the willow, so I only saw the appearance. Culture of the street to eat dinner in a variety of snacks, especially the mouth of the dragon with a large copper pot that brew the tea sweet but not greasy, impressive. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Summery of China Sanya Tour

I was in February 2011 with the tour to Sanya, Sanya February temperature is very comfortable! Neither hot nor cold! Tour arrangements are very tight line, and now they think a good place to share with you! Yalong Bay. Complimentary Shell House, very beautiful, worth a visit! Yalong Bay tours to China unique white sand beaches and blue sky, very beautiful photography. Boundary Island, Boao: Boundary Island water was clear, transparent, suitable for diving, Boao is a meeting place, no meaning! Boao conference table in the camera and fees are very exaggerated! 10 said yes faster, and so on down is a 10 fast!

the ends of the earth: not recommended to go, although the famous attractions in Sanya, but really boring! From the plaza has been engraved with the ends of the earth come the words of two large stones, in addition to water, beach, coconut tree is hot! And must take the road back! Went to the first word that two large carved stone! A photo of the sea to go! If free exercise is not recommended to go! And there are many China trip local tour guides say! Must come out before sunset, because the ends of the earth in ancient times, where prisoners are exiled to the court, is beheaded place where chi weight ~! Newlyweds do not recommend to go, because that is the ends of the earth if you come to come to an end! the size of the Cave: with the ends of the earth about, not recommended, the entire area to go down very tired, but very disappointed that a hole size of the Cave engraved the words! Nothing special, but also no good landscape photography. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Wuhu to Build Theme Park Kingdom

How to develop tourism in the next five years in Anhui? February 28, in Anhui Tourism Steering Committee meeting adopted the principle of "Anhui tourism" five-second China group tour "development plan" gives the answer. "Five" established Huangshan tourism planning, Hefei and Wuhu in Anhui Province for the three major tourist cities, and let them carry out their duties, including Wuhu's goal is to become "the East Orlando."

According to the plan ideas, strive to 2015, the province's 5 million inbound tourists, domestic tourists 400 million, total tourism income of 300 billion yuan, total tourism income in the province's GDP, the proportion of 12%. In the meantime, Anhui province will focus on creating an international tourism and cultural demonstration area, Little City with a tourist area, Hefei Economic Zone and the northern Anhui tourism  small group China tours tourism travel four blocks. Huangshan, Hefei, Wuhu, is the province's three major tourist cities. Among them, Huangshan will be world class and national tourism resources as the basis for world heritage tourism, the emblem of cultural experience, leisure, sports and other travel products as the brand, building a modern international tourist city, Anhui promote international tourism and cultural demonstration area one , becoming a leading tourist Anhui, east China's tourism tourist center and symbol-oriented city. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


A Best Travel in Shanghai Happy Valley

Following the success of Happy Valley last year, Shanghai's first summer carnival Beer Festival, Happy Valley again this summer, heavy attack, the "carnival" tours to China in the end. July 2 to August 28 launch of "passion summer, to force Carnival - Carnival Shanghai Happy Valley." This summer, in addition to those of conventional experience the thrill of the project, the Happy Valley devaluation of a series of "carnival" highlights will bring an unprecedented feast of entertainment.

During the carnival, a variety of floats, side squad will bring a "grand passion Carnival Parade"; orchestrated by the Happy Valley "Water Dream Show" will debut; Happy Valley this year, also specifically from Germany to introduce authentic Munich beer, authentic German beer culture, show, bring "the world's best beer Hearty carnival show"; July 19, the first "reality show version of Transformers," will visit Happy Valley,  China trip and visitors up close interactive performances. Practical information related to: Opening Hours :9:00-22: 00 (18:00-22:00 Open Night) Tickets: Matinee 200 yuan / person; Night 80 yuan / person. 2011, the graduate entrance examination purchase tickets to enjoy 50% discount on the 100 yuan / person discount. (Ticketing and admission, the need to hold my original ticket or a foreign language, art, sports, music and other single-faced twice the original test ticket)For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China International Culture Tourism Festival

Music and dance parade, car creative travel around the city, Panlongjiang lantern antiphonal singing, flowers carnival, butterfly fairy named ... ... at 10:00 on April 30, 2011 China Kunming International Cultural Tourism Festival in Kunming, Yunnan Army about Carnival Wu Tang opened, the current
tours to China activities in order to "Meet carnival Kunming, Yunnan colorful experience" as the theme.
Yunnan Provincial Committee and Party Secretary of hatred and Kunming, Yunnan Vice Governor Liu Ping, Zhu Feiyun party secretary of Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau, Kunming Mayor ZHANG Zu-lin, director Yang Yuanxiang Kunming People's Congress, CPPCC Chairman Tian Yunxiang Kunming, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Ho Chi Kang, Deputy Secretary and other leaders attended the opening ceremony. Attended the opening ceremony guests from Indonesia, and Guiyang, Guangzhou, Nanning and other cities and domestic-friendly city in Yunnan leaders and guests.
Kunming Mayor Zhang Zulin at the opening ceremony, he said, Yunnan unique tourism resources, beautiful natural scenery. China Kunming International Cultural Tourism Carnival is the, China trip  domestic and foreign tourists and the general public gathered in the grand festivals, the city is to strengthen our friendship with domestic and foreign exchanges and deepen cooperation platform and bridges. "I sincerely wish the guests and friends from home and abroad, in a relaxed state of mind, full of enthusiasm to participate in the" Kunming carnival "feel" Colorful Yunnan "experience" tourist paradise ", have a great time!" For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Best Tour from Yaan to Panzhihua in Sichuan

It is understood that this province from the Provincial Tourism Development Fund, the arrangement million yuan for the Ya-Ya segment climb speed of travel routes exported to the main town areas (spots) along the logo signs, tourist toilets, tourist reception center to improve and self-driving camps tours to China and other tourist infrastructure. At the same time, will Ya Ya segment climb speed of China's most beautiful tourist routes on the 360-degree observation deck (Cattle Mountain), Panda International Ecological Tourism Resort with major projects included in the provincial tourism bureau major investment projects, to help planning, packaging, and and this year the West will be on the inside and outside the exhibition of large-scale investment.
Promotional efforts, this year, including Provincial Tourism Bureau will design and tourism resources along the lines Ya products Panxi sunshine tour brochures; before the opening of the Ya-climbing speed, organize media visits and publicity go Ya reported that the province will organize counties along the major travel agents in-depth check out the location, to help design and promote the tourist routes.
Ya Ya segment climb speed has a wealth of tourist routes and cultural tourism resources. This year the province will be excavated along the lines of  China trip the ancient Han culture Yan Road, Tea-Horse Road, South Silk Road, the red tourism and cultural tourism resources, the introduction of the Tea Horse Road travel routes and other routes Quest products. At the same time, planning to build the Tibetan, Yi and Yingjing bamboo dance numbers, folk songs and other performances with local characteristics, holding wood elegant Tibetan pheasant ring section, the Yi Torch Festival and other local cultural tourism festivals.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Dali of Yunnan Promotes its Tourism Service Level

Dali based on the resources and location advantages, tours to China according to the provincial government put forward the "second pioneering tourism," a major strategic requirements in order to "optimize the structure, transformation and upgrading, quality and efficiency" as the key, started the implementation of integrated tourism reform work, and a number of major tourism and cultural projects, the tourism industry continues to grow, China trip optimize industrial structure, industry, quality has improved significantly, the release of industry functions effectively, the state's second pioneering the development of tours China, tourism to achieve remarkable results. In 2010, Dali was the provincial government awarded the "second pioneering advanced group travel", "tourism economic indicators prize target responsibility system evaluation," and many other awards. Various tourism development trend of economic indicators remained strong.

In 2010, statewide domestic tourists 12,969,800 passengers, an increase of 17.28%, from 2006 to 2010 total received 50.08 million passengers, an average annual increase of 9.3%; annual total tourism revenue reached 11.501 billion yuan, an increase of 24.68%. Five-year total 36.37 billion yuan of tourism revenue, an average annual increase of 11.4%. January-April 2011, the state received 113,529 overseas tourists and passengers, an increase of 29.03%; tourism foreign exchange earnings $ 35,537,900, an increase of China travel agent 60.74%; domestic tourists 5,171,900 passengers, an increase of 21.72%; total tourism revenue 4,191,581,200 yuan, an increase of 41.67%. Speed ​​the development of tourism has also led to the constant expansion of the tourism industry. As of the end of 2010, the state's total of 17 A-level scenic spots, 102 tourism-star hotels, 33 travel agencies, 10 coach companies, six large cruise ships, four travel lifts, 11 travel shops, 12 cultural tourism business units, led to "food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment," supporting the development.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Memorial Hall of Wang Anshi in Fuzhou of Jiangxi Province

History Hall of Fame as the top ten construction of Jiangxi Province, one of the items Wang Memorial at September 12, 1985 ground-breaking, next year was formally opened November 11. Memorial building program designed by the Nanjing Institute of landscape design, covers an area of more than 13,320 square meters, construction area of ​​1560 square meters, she has a southern style mansion Song lintel, pavilion entity, tours to China the second sheet (exhibition view) both features. Font-style main building is a two-story pavilion, Xieshan cornices, window flower Tongwa , symmetric around the park Zhu dignified other outbuildings pattern of harmony with the main building, and one each in both shape, and set off each other, each other. end Zhuang Suya the gate, though not magnificent, but mounted on a card over the President of the Buddhist Association of China, calligraphy Zhao Puchu wrote the family name of the museum, , China trip "Wang Memorial" six characters, the gate is particularly impressive, the spirit into a door, flanked by sleek hidden wall, along the corridor to board pavilions, pool willow down wind, water fish, flowers, bursts of elegant classical music, as if to take people to a wonderland. circuitous Beilang the gate waterside veranda and Jing Gongting main reception room as a single entity, the formation of "Labyrinth with quiet, thought-provoking" nirvana. "pregnant Wen-tang "in the Song Dynasty artifacts, people experience the ancestral culture and arts, leading to" Caoting "in field trails, allowing visitors to think of Wang Baxiang after indifferent life.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours.


Flowers Tour in Xian for Small Group Visitors

As the first flower contest the World Park, Xi'an International Orchid Horticultural competition attracted participants from Thailand, Germany, Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and other countries, as well as Sichuan and Yunnan provinces (regions) of 37 well-known orchid companies China group tour participate in the competition. In fifteen hundred square meters of exhibition hall, special booth 5, booth 35, a variety of orchids on display works fine and Orchid thousand pots (plants) or more. The International Orchid Gold a set of international competitions, Silver 5, Bronze 10.
     Horticultural person in charge of international competition, in this Orchid Show, the majority of visitors will see a lot of strange, beautiful, rarely seen orchids in the country, such as a butterfly orchid, which flowers in 39, length 1.3 meters, the color is very pure color. In this contest called the Encyclopedia of orchids, all booths will be decorated using environmentally friendly materials and high-tech means to retain the use of orchid fragrance.
     It is understood, the World Park during the addition to the International Orchid Competition and Exhibition, the international floral art competition exhibition, small group China tours international cactus and more fleshy pulp plant competition exhibition, international lotus and water plants and flowers contest exhibition, the international famous cut flowers competition exhibition, international chrysanthemum contest exhibition also be introduced. After the exchange between the players to further convey to the masses "green trendy" philosophy of life and lifestyle.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Best China Dunhuang Tour

June 5 morning, 8 o'clock to go out, the roadside eat breakfast (hot steamed bean curd), his son like to eat meat, to the Rouga Mo, the end of 10 minutes for breakfast, went tours to China to China to drive Shek Kwu Park, located in was Kang Yu As "the first Chinese Antiquities " the land of the Shek Kwu Shek Kwu newly constructed mountain east of the Chinese Yin Shek Kwu Xianghe Park, south of the main peak of the chicken Qinling Mountain, facing west toward the city, North Kan Wei River, is melting "site protection, bronze Exhibitions, Shek Kwu cultural show, garden tour, the park another landmark - Bronze Museum, is the largest bronze ware museum, will showcase the city to a variety of antiques bronze-based. visited Baoji Bronze Museum is free of charge With valid ID to receive visits coupon, after entering the museum, which is divided into four zones, the second pavilion of the wax figure to his son left a deep impression, lifelike wax figures, very delicate, very beautiful. a The Shek Kwu Park, a watch, 12:16, and then quickly found a place to eat, drove back to Baoji city, passing a military guest house, then drove into the registration room, clean and August Guest House in particular, conditions are very good , Will be a good room, out next to a market, a lot of snacks, the son went to had a spicy chicken rice bowl, we had Ganmian skin, a Hong (3 bowl side Qishan bridge whistle, both sides of each bowl also a ), pulled noodles, finished 14:00, and quickly back to the hotel to rest, sleep until 15:30, rushed out Baoji Tiantai (also called chicken Mountain Scenic Area), 16:00 start up the mountain (a bit late), Go away until all the mountain 18:00 2 / 3, to see it was already late night meeting decided to not risk mountain road, then down the back, rushed down the mountain at 19:30, drive back to the hotel, wash finished, go to the Qing Jiang Road, the ancient home hot pot (super users recommended) taste, no car, hit the 8 yuan to the store found that too many people, there is no place, China trip had already more than 20:20, and waited about 10 minutes, and finally have the location, So hurry to order, to be honest, it's very hot, light taste, no wonder many people, but half price. After dinner, more than 22:00, then a taxi back to the hotel to rest quickly.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Discover China Uighur People in Sinkiang

Pretty well known girl in Xinjiang, a "girl in Osaka City"that people sing the yearning for the beautiful girl in Xinjiang, Xinjiang, also there was a concert singer had a "beautiful girl in Xinjiang, "the song, so Xinjiang Beautiful girl will be in people's minds took root. Xinjiang girl indeed beautiful, it not only refers to their appearance, but also because they danced well, sang well. The mapping in the China tour travel Tianshan Mountains scenery, dressed in red skirt beautiful Xinjiang, especially girls. Uighur drum merry dance "Tianshan Drum Dance ", the Xinjiang unrestrained girls warm; in the "Turpan grapes ripe, "the anthem, the Lvqun the girls is so tender; and "Bell Dance"in the girl They are lively and playful ... ... reflect the many sides of these dances Xinjiang beautiful and lovely girl, giving the joy of beauty. Xinjiang, a beautiful girl, but it is their colorful national costumes and accessories. Clothing Uygur people familiar with the Kazak, Tajik, Kirgiz and other ethnic apparel but do not quite understand, the district can not tell. Xinjiang Song and Dance, such as Xinjiang, Russia, the Tatar group dance, "the melody of love", the Tajik dance "the people closest to the sun, " Kazakh dance "Kazakh girls", Xibe dance "very happy", etc., China packages not only allow people to enjoy Xinjiang The scenery and people of all nationalities in Xinjiang unity in spirit, and make people enjoy the different ethnic apparel and accessories, no doubt a lesson in folklore classes. Beautiful girl in Xinjiang, choreography, more beautiful soul. Xinjiang beautiful girl deserved reputation.For more information, please shift to Online China ToursFor more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Sino-Japan Tour Falls as a Result of Earthquake

As the National Tourism Administration Shao Qiwei, held recently in Tokyo, Japan, Japan Tourism Exchange conference that China will support Japan's post-disaster restoration and reconstruction of tourism, domestic tours to various travel agents and travel in Japan have restored the line. Reporter on June 2 that currently groups in Ningxia have resumed travel travel routes in Japan, the Japanese tour's tour before the best China tour earthquake than straight down 1,000 yuan, but still difficult to attract local tourists.

Exit Ningxia China International Travel Service, said staff of the Department, travel agents in the end of May received notice of resumption of Japanese travel, travel agents, tour in Japan then began to prepare the relevant recovery procedures. But the response from the market nearly a week view, regional visitors travel to Japan is still uninterested. The staff told reporters that the recent tour of Japan the only person to inquire.

This reporter learned that, in order to attract foreign  China best tours tourists visited Japan, Japan has introduced incentives. Outbound travel region said a recent tour of Japan from Ningxia to 4,000 yuan per person, this price drop in Japan before the earthquake was 1,000 yuan, but even still Shaorenwenjin. The analysts, in fact, since the second half of last year, Japanese travel to the rapid cooling, during which very few people go to Japan Travel in Ningxia. Although the recovery group travel to Japan, but out of nuclear radiation and earthquake concerns, many tourists are still willing to take risks. Japanese travel to return to prosperity before the earthquake is estimated only hope to wait until next year.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


China Best Tour Route

Because it is Saturday's sake, come here a few people really, the tour guide told us that if the normal order of play, then line up at least an hour, suggested that we travel down, that the original boat trip Tongtianhe to two If the river level is pulled up by lifting devices, and now travel down china trip the secondary channel, then that is the first tour, and then lifting device into a river. This is the vertical cloud Tongtianhe a major feature, the 2002 International Seminar on cave tourism experts, field trips, a consistent evaluation: the inside vertical ship lift the cloud Tongtianhe device is an international initiative! We do not care, and thus be the first walk up the hill gang take a guided tour, specially built above the entrance, along the stairs down from the entrance, direct access to the inside terminal. Should say is, step repair very well, one a very wide and very flat, 4,5 personal cross to go no problem. Near the entrance of the chute, the normal order of the tourists are interested in river travel, then you can take in the vicinity of the entrances and exits "boat slip" sliding down the chute is quite interesting, but we tours china travel down, so can only go through the following it was.

Now there is a program called G Tongtian Grand Canyon, when we used to play, from the ship down, that started from the ground up climbing the Grand Canyon until overturned hole out, and now has developed into a tourism project another additional charge , and really will do business ah. Terminals inside the cave waiting time to see many tourists in the adventure tour under the guidance of full-time, be replaced with a special lighting equipment of the pack, led by the wizard, In the long river, involving rivers, climbing cliffs, into the china travel agent canyon, to taste endless adventure. After a period of waiting was finally on board, 10 people a boat sailing a dedicated staff, mostly female compatriots, here what we can not help but respect that, and tone, third tone ah. Tongtian the cool pressing (as recommended with a thin coat to avoid the cold), heat of the burning hot and sweat suddenly evaporated. Underground river really regarded as a natural air-conditioning, cool the real world. Cave stalactites hanging down from time to time punt the command of our little girl to the right-wing to the left, bow, bend. Winding river, wide width narrow. Only allow a narrow boat at through the wide hole at the black goo Long, seemed far-fetched. Amazed tourists inside the cave from time to time came the sound of quiet water droplets Shiyou audible buzz sound, the line to the junction of two rivers, it also held out by the two special boat unit, or up or down along the rail , visitors can also cruise up and down with a loud sound of cheering and screaming.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

Honeymoon Tour in China

Government is not used to corruption and waste. Chinese government officials of corruption in the world, I am afraid to waste and the highest in world. For example, benefits the country has been declared as the Three Gorges project, which took people across the country how much money? What a loss or profit? People across the country over the years until today it is still "pay the electricity bills", but also china tour package to pay for it many years? Have the truth? It is said that the Three Gorges Project has three major functions: flood control, power generation, shipping. In recent years, especially in the Yangtze River this year, almost drying up, Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake area dropped two-thirds as "grassland. " This ecological crisis that the crisis revealed the Three Gorges Project, hidden deep. Discounted these three functions, some features are disappearing. This was made ​​to blow up the dam. This is definitely not fried yet. Do now drawing lessons and reflect on the consequences of wrong decisions necessary to prepare the responsibility of accountability. Also necessary to check, a Three Gorges Project, fat How many beetles? Included in the audit, submitted to the National People's account.

Word belongs: the Government is raising the taxpayer, not the people's father. Even in the authoritarian era, the emperor Laoer Buqi Heaven knows, outrage not commit. Civil way "people do, day to read.  design tours china" If the day could not stand, it will the earth was moving, Kazamaki tsunami. This is not superstitious! Have a democratic government should know the times, take the initiative to improve and perfect themselves.,For more information, please shift to China Travel


Best China Trip

National AAAA level scenic spots, national key scenic spots. Tai Scenic Spot is located in Sun City, 35 km northeast Guangde, while the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces to. Tai Chi ancient name of many holes, or tai chi real environment, or Guangde buried, or Tai Chi Tung Lok Changle hole. Far away in the Han Dynasty which has become a tourist destination. Song Yi was when the reputation is regarded as world wonders of Tai Chi is also a strange cave tunnel, the open water, can accommodate boat Strolling the meantime, any thing. Travel by boat as water tunnel, saw the rocks on the wall, illuminated in colored light, illuminating as heavenly stars, giving a sense of exposure to the Galaxy. Water tunnel of the most famous landscape "Atlas Yu-zhu", "Bat God silkworm, China Trip ""mouth hanging pass, " etc., or they are "single image " name, or "group as"name, see name known by all forms .
Phase Mountain

State AAAA-class tourist attractions. Phase is located in Mountain south of Huaibei City of Hill, is the Huaibei City, the only large-scale comprehensive scenic parks to "Xiangshan Ten"and famous. Mountains from the Xuzhou-phase winding from the main peak is the highest point in Northern areas, radius of the mountains of the cases; have peaks, cloud-dong, Lin, Cang Park, Temple, Hanbei. Emperor Qianlong inscription cultural attractions, "Hui-Tours China, I Le", buffalo tomb, Sonata Taiwan, horses and other pool and dozens of the Library Cave. Peak throughput cloud cloud tree holes, instant watery; Hyangnobong situation, but steep; Pinnacle Peak Cuise attractive. Was through Temple (often called Xiangshan Temple) was built in the Jin dynasty. New children's playground, Xiangshan Tianchi set in one of ancient and modern culture is that people play a good place to rest.For more information, please shift to Online China Tours


Tour China with Friends

Speaking of Guangzhou, I must mention is the "Guangzhou snack." Guangzhou snacks can be divided into seven categories: fried foods, there are fried dough sticks, salty pancake, Crispy, etc.; porridge category, there Tingzi Yu, "Zhan Wu Ji" porridge, dried scallop ginkgo porridge, etc.; noodles class There wonton noodles ("AU mind" as the representative), Shahe, pig rice rolls, Guilin rice noodle, Seto powder; cakes, with radish cake, water chestnut cake, cakes, etc. London; dessert, a variety of red bean paste , green bean, and rice cereal, rice pudding, sesame paste, almond paste, dumplings and so on, especially Shuangpi Nai and the most famous ginger paste into milk; dumplings class, there are two kinds of sweet dumplings and salty dumplings; omnivorous categories, including fried river snail, pig TANG, China Group Tour bone soup, hot and sour vegetables and so on. One of the most famous of "Zhan Wu Ji" porridge, fragrant, steaming hot, very sweet. Street fried snail shells thin flesh. Aromatic basil and something called a wok fry the grass, there will be a kind of incense in the hot, spicy and sweet with the smell. Brad steamed rice rolls among many white as snow, thin as paper, shiny shiny, creamy and delicious. Shunde Shuangpi Nai, eat sweet milk is another level beyond the smooth kind, there are South Letter Ginger milk is also very famous. Friends do not eat offal, to the Guangzhou also be sure to try their beef offal and Samsung, with no smell, special sauce is very tasty. AU shrimp wonton soup in mind also won the first "Chinese snack," the title grind a thin wonton skin was cooked, the wonton into a pink color, Ling critical permeability, aroma enticing, indeed there "Glass wonton" reputation. Shun Kee made coconut ice cream ice room is well-known brand name far and wide history of the West related snacks.

20 years of last century by the first Hawker Lu Shun, choose plump and firm the coconut as raw material, after processing into fresh coconut juice into the coconut milk, adding fresh water, milk and eggs, sugar, particularly the unique soft, smooth production of the ice cream delicious, coconut rich, unique flavor. Small Group China Tours "Open mind" dessert made of the "orange peel shelled green bean," then its creamy sweet, Qingre, unique flavor and unique, well known at Guangzhou. . . Will be drooling thinking said. Guangzhou is also the very history of the snack shop, said the most famous restaurant in Guangzhou opened in 1921 years ago. In Guangzhou, eat snacks characteristics, the most recommended place to have a lot of old, but those places tend to make you surprise. Simple house, not to mention the decoration, and some have only two walls, small shops, a small wooden table, a small stool, is your position, there is no service attitude, "the old courtiers level," the waiter is only responsible for serving, the other self, but even this store, every day is still coming and going, not to mention other location, where the rush to the location of sharp-eyed, and do not mind "putting up the stage", which is sure thing , can not wait for people to eat standing in the doorway, but also feel satisfied. These things is absolutely normal in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, if you eat a snack, I think you can understand their behavior. Delicious and cheap, is the absolute superiority of Guangzhou snack, a meal a person less than 20 yuan, has to eat many varieties of delicious snacks.For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours45.blogspot.com/


Visiting China Cities

At noon went to a restaurant in Guangzhou Wenchang Road, one that, ah,, ah, ah .. but more so we decided to position myself, weekends, China city tours, it is estimated the Visit China restaurant would have to wait a bit! ~ Taste the flavor, but only after other true value was, ah, too ~ ~ While the value of the Guangzhou Restaurant service is not a lot of people, but the taste is really no worse Zeyang Oh, poached chicken saliva ,....

ah, ah, I can not find the adjectives to describe friends .. Need!! out the menu as follows: 40 half a poached chicken, green beans 28 Soy Emperor Goose, mushroom soup pot ribs 38 feet, iron butter (oral persons) eel, 38, 23 lettuce (that is, we have Lettuce is) .. every taste very good, goose intestines that crisp ah, eels and although I do not eat, but my father is not good .. very highly expensive, stick to stay ~ ~ China City Tours Guangzhou Restaurant This meal is absolutely impressive ah ~ ~ sat down about three, the waiter began to change the table, because once a wedding the weekend of the wedding a lot .. Oh, Guangzhou, saw a lot of very beautiful dress floats, but this is not the characteristics of Guangzhou you, many, many A hard place to get married on the weekend - #

Zhongshan Memorial Hall, the afternoon would also have to go, but a lot of trouble, and soon someone will come take us to the airport, my mother's friend's wife, hehe ... then go out into the hotel directions to die, want to go back to the luggage. . cab really hard hit, such as half-day half-day each time, this time is to take a long time before they hit the car .. to see that people who received us, she brought a car license O word Visit China, strong, ah, it seems that her parents Guangzhou government, and gave us about the "Master Dongshan West Kwan," the story .. because Dongshan district (Dongshan District, the original, now merged into Yuexiu District, where a) that many are Government, like rich families, so they are called .. Master Dongshan area off the West, that is, the old city where we live, many of them are businessmen, after passing .. she took us to the next, Zhongshan and Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is .. yeah .. there are sources. If you want to get more news and information, you can click here: http://onlinechinatours45.blogspot.com/

Nanjing City Wall Tour

Nanjing is one of the ancient city of tour China. When I was in Nanjing, I spent many days to tour around the city of Nanjing, among which, I liked the Nanjing City Wall Most.

Nanjing City Wall was built during the early days of Ming Dynasty. It was originally the city defense project, but now, it becomes a scenic spot for visitor.Standing  far from the Nanjing Railways Station, Nanjing City Wall looks like a flying dragon sleeping in the center of Nanjing City,which is a wonderful China travel tours. When I was on the top of the City Wall of Nanjing, the whole scenery of Nanjing City was in my eyes. During my Nanjing City Wall Tour, I made a friend with a Chinese young man, who is a college students in Nanjing University. He gave me a lot of tips, guide and advice to Nanjing Tour. More information, please click: http://onlinechinatours45.blogspot.com/.