
Experiencing Ancient Culture in Tianjin

Morning from the city bus station take the bus bound for Hangu district, more than 1 hour to Hangu then only to the waterfront for Pakistan Kiev aircraft carrier theme park, the carrier was the flagship of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. While holding the hands of the tour route map, but tours to China still like the maze to explore the way upstairs, downstairs, a large auditorium of the parked aircraft as large warehouse, there are sailors working, living, entertainment venues, and even down to the laundry room of this place have, but we are interested in, or operational command, sending those mysterious weapons sites, half-way when we saw a rest quite charm of the Russian song and dance performances, finally on deck, looked over the vast sea and the sky, very travel with the carrier's heart feeling. To Ancient Culture Street is more to see them, walking in the pedestrian street, hundreds of old buildings the appearance of the shop is a large arts and crafts, small shop is not something we do not know so I do not really China trip sense rush to buy antiques, but Tianjin folk art, "Ruin," the colorful clay figurine Zhang, Wei Yangliuqing and kite stores or kite here is stop people, especially the small clay figurines clay figurine Zhang shape of many, the price is not expensive, we bought a lot of 10 dollars down the small clay figurines. Tin Hau Temple street Folk Museum is also built in Tianjin, but we have experience in the willow, so I only saw the appearance. Culture of the street to eat dinner in a variety of snacks, especially the mouth of the dragon with a large copper pot that brew the tea sweet but not greasy, impressive. For more information, please shift to Online China Tours

